How to Create a Spend Authorization in Workday Skip to main content

How to Create a Spend Authorization in Workday

Creating Spend Authorization

Step 1: Log in to Workday under the Employee section.

Step 2: Log in to Workday using your BYUH Net ID.

Step 3: Click the Expenses icon.

Step 4: Under the Actions column, click Create Spend Authorization.
Note: You can also type in at least 3 letters of each word in the search box

Step 5: Under Spend Authorization Information, enter your travel details.

  • Company: Defaulted to Brigham Young University–Hawaii.
  • Start Date/End Date: Click on the Calendar Icon to enter the dates or type it in.
  • Description: Enter a short but relevant business purpose for Travel.
  • Business Purpose: This will be used by Financial Services to define the travel type.
  • Note: Business Purpose is not marked as a required filled but you will not be able to submit the Spend Authorization without selecting an option.
  • Reimbursement Payment Type: Select Direct Deposit (update your bank information on payment elections)
  • Justification: Enter a description of your travel purpose. Any personal stops should be mentioned as well.

Step 6: Add Expense Items and Details under Spend Authorization Lines.
Note: Although Spend Authorizations do not have to be exact, you will need to input the most accurate estimate of your travel expenses.

  • Add: Click the plus sign (+) for every expense item to add in the report
  • Expense Item: Choose the expense item by typing the name or by selecting directly from the Spend Category list. For example: airfare, baggage fee, lodging, car rental, fuel, meals, mileage, parking, etc.
  • Quantity: Enter total quantity.
  • For example: Lodging Quantity is 5 days, Per Unit is the nightly rate.
  • Total Amount: This will automatically calculate depending on the Quantity and rate Per Unit. Make sure that the Total Amount shows the expected total cost of the item.
  • Memo: Type in details that will be useful for the approver to understand the expense item. Input names, location, description etc.
  • Note: Some expense items do not require for quantity and per unit. Enter the total amount.
  • Project: This is only for employees traveling for a specific University project. The Cost Center and Additional Worktags will automatically fill in upon selecting the project name. Leave the line blank if not applicable.
  • Cost Center: Defaulted to the employee’s organization. If employee is traveling for a different department/organization, use the search bar to change the Cost Center.
  • Additional Worktags: This is automatically populated based on the Cost Center.
  • Cash Advance: For international travel only. Choose expense item H: Cash Advance and make sure the Cash Advance Requested box is selected.

Note: When adding meals, choose H: Meals Per Diem Based (Spend authorization)
Repeat step 6 until all expense items necessary for your trip has been added.

Step 7: Review the Spend Authorization and click Submit.
Note: Your Cost Center Manager will receive notification once your Spend Authorization has been successfully submitted. Cost Center Managers can send back your Spend Authorization for any revision needed. They can also deny your request and this will automatically delete your Spend Authorization.

Downloadable Spend Authorization Instructions